Frequently Asked Questions

+ is a cool symbols and fancy text generating tool that you can use anywhere online or offline.
Select your favorite symbols from the variety of categories. Click on the symbol to copy and paste it anywhere.
There are thousands of fancy symbols that you can use. All these symbols are available from Unicode consortium.
There are numerous symbols such as Star symbols, heart symbols, currency symbols, music symbols, astrology symbols, mathematical and scientific symbols.
You can use these cool symbols anywhere. In your social media profiles, posts, office use, personal documents.
Yes, you can use them on any social network such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, QQ, Weibo, Whatsapp, Telegram, Reddit etc.
On our fancy text generator tool, simply enter your text and you will see huge number of font styles that you can copy paste anywhere.
Yes, you can use these fancy text on almost any social media network or websites. You can use them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Weibo, Whatsapp, Telegram etc.
Just visit our Instagram fonts generating tool and enter your text. You can then copy and paste in your Instagram.
There are lot of fancy text styles such as Antrophobia, H4k3r, Zalgo, Aesthetic Fonts, Strikethrough, Upside down etc.