French Alphabet Letters, accents, cedilla, Ligature

Simply click on a French Alphabet to copy.
À Â Ä Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Î Ï Ô Œ Ù Û Ü à â ä æ ç è é ê ë î ï ô œ ù û ü
Cool French Alphabet letters, accents, cedilla and litagure to copy paste anywhere you want. Simply click on an alphabet symbol to copy it to the clipboard and paste it anywhere. There are thousands of cool symbols to choose from.
French Alphabet Type Unicode
ÀUppercase Accent Grave (A)U+0192
ÂUppercase Accent Circonflex (A)U+0194
ÄUppercase Accent Tréma (A)U+0196
ÆUppercase Ligature(AE)U+0198
ÇUppercase Cedilla (C)U+0199
ÈUppercase Accent Grave (E)U+0200
ÉUppercase Accent Aigu (E)U+0201
ÊUppercase Accent Circonflex (E)U+0202
ËUppercase Accent Tréma (E)U+0203
ÎUppercase Accent Circonflex (I)U+0206
ÏUppercase Accent Tréma (I)U+0207
ÔUppercase Accent Circonflex (O)U+0212
ŒUppercase Ligature(OE)U+0140
ÙUppercase Accent Grave (U)U+0217
ÛUppercase Accent Circonflex (U)U+0219
ÜUppercase Accent Tréma (U)U+0220
àLowercase Accent Grave (a)U+0224
âLowercase Accent Circonflex (a)U+0226
äLowercase Accent Tréma (a)U+0228
æLowercase Ligature(ae)U+0230
çLowercase Cedilla (c)U+0231
èLowercase Accent Grave (e)U+0232
éLowercase Accent Aigu (e)U+0233
êLowercase Accent Circonflex (e)U+0234
ëLowercase Accent Tréma (e)U+0235
îLowercase Accent Circonflex (i)U+0238
ïLowercase Accent Tréma (i)U+0239
ôLowercase Accent Circonflex (o)U+0244
œLowercase Ligature(oe)U+0156
ùLowercase Accent Grave (a)U+0249
ûLowercase Accent Circonflex (u)U+0251
üLowercase Accent Tréma (u)U+0252